Dwyane Wade has absolutely no time for people attacking him or his family over his son’s use of fake fingernails and a crop top.

Yet that’s exactly what some people took aim at after the Miami Heat superstar’s wife, Gabrielle Union, posted the photo above of her family on Thanksgiving.

To be sure, the vast majority of comments on the post were positive, praising God and sending well wishes to Wade, Union and their family. The photo has been liked on Instagram by 600,000 people.

Yet Wade didn’t hold back on Twitter, calling the reaction of some “hate” and “stupidity”…

It’s not the first time Wade has expressed undying love for his son, previously sharing his support for Pride and creating a pro-LGBTQ T-shirt to support GLSEN.

So much of what so many dads go through when their son is gay, gender non-conforming or some part of the LGBTQ spectrum, is the reconciliation with years of one view of what it is to be a man, or what it is to be masculine. I know my father went through that, and it was with the support of friends and family, and just being around me more, that his fears were calmed and his perspective changed.

It’s particularly important to see a man like Wade — a virtual lock for the Hall Of Fame — step up so publicly and openly support his son. It gives other dads, like my father, the courage to support their sons in return.

Thank you, Dwyane Wade!