Outsports is proud to announce the addition of Dawn Ennis as its managing editor, a newly created role.

Ennis will oversee the editing of content and story development for the website. She will also be contributing content herself.

To say we at Outsports and Vox Media are excited about the addition of Ennis is an understatement.

Ennis brings years of experience to Outsports. She has been an editor at The Advocate and LGBTQNation, and she has contributed her writing to Out magazine, The Daily Beast and Logo, among others. She also has a multimedia background, having worked in various production capacities with CNN, ABC and “The Today Show.”

As an out trans woman in media, Ennis also brings an important perspective to Outsports’ work that increasingly focuses on trans inclusion, among other issues. It was while at ABC News that Ennis made headlines as she transitioned on the job.

Ennis lives in Connecticut where she raises her three kids.

This marks a big step for Outsports. Founded 20 years ago by Jim Buzinski and Cyd Zeigler, the site has been managed exclusively by the two since 1999. The addition of Ennis brings fresh eyes and new perspective to the world’s leading LGBTQ sports publication.

Jim and Cyd will continue to have strategic roles as Outsports looks to expand the voices highlighted on the site. Both will continue to write, with Jim focusing on editing stories of athletes and coaches coming out and being out, and Cyd building partnerships with outside organizations and organizing events like this summer’s Outsports Pride in Los Angeles.

Send your congrats to Dawn @lifeafterdawn or in the comments below!