Joey Gallo and Nomar Mazara certainly caused a stir at some of their games in this young 2019 season.

The two Texas Rangers players have now been seen multiple times this season grabbing each other’s crotches during games. On the field. In plain sight.

See for yourself:

It’s an interesting choice, and it speaks volumes about how sports have changed. While this kind of “horseplay” has been behind locker-room doors for years, their decision to do it out in the open says a lot about where the comfort-level is today of being seen as… a little “too close” to your teammate.

However, the duo has told the Dallas Morning News that they won’t be checking each other’s cups anymore.

“We’ll do something to have some fun, but it won’t be that,” Mazara said. “If people got offended, we didn’t mean that. We want to have some fun, though.”

Did somebody get “offended” by this? Other than a couple “disgusted” tweets, there didn’t seem to be much offended backlash.

Ah right, they play for the Rangers, one of the few MLB teams to never host an LGBT Pride Night. Somebody clearly got hold of the two of them and told them it wasn’t “appropriate” for Major League Baseball.

And maybe it wasn’t.

Still, I find it cool that these two Major League Baseball players have so much security in their sexuality, and some much comfort with one another, that they’d do that in broad daylight on national television on a baseball diamond.

The Chicago Cubs previously made crotch-bumping a thing during their 2016 run to the World Series.

We keep being told by a shrinking minority that sports are full of homophobia. Yet athletes are often far more comfortable with this kind of “gay” stuff — particularly in the locker room — than most people let on.

For what it’s worth, Gallo is batting under .200 but tied for eighth in the AL with four homers. Mazara is barely above .200.

So maybe ditching the crotch-grab isn’t a bad thing for them after all.

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