To cap off his first week on the job, Outsports’ new deputy managing editor Alex Reimer got a grilling from the co-hosts of The Trans Sporter Room podcast. Right from the get-go, the out gay sportswriter was on the hot seat, fielding tough questions like, “Are the Patriots finished?” “Is Curt Schilling redeemable?” and “is it fair for trans women athletes to compete in women’s sports?”
They also shared a lot of laughs, and learned they share some things in common: all three have roots in broadcasting and two had brushes with fame when they were just children.
Reimer, a former radio personality at Boston’s WEEI and a writer for SB Nation, Forbes, Boston Magazine and other publications, was game to take on these and other topics in the half-hour conversation with Outsports managing editor Dawn Ennis and contributor Karleigh Webb.
The only topic on which he passed was sci-fi, which is near and dear to the co-hosts’ hearts. Reimer shared that his interests ranged from flag football to politics and running.
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