Reports in The Athletic and the Seattle Times say the Seattle Seahawks and a Seattle broadcasting company have suspended radio announcer Dori Monson indefinitely following his tweet mocking the transgender community.

The Athletic’s Michael-Shawn Dugar broke the story on Twitter, reporting that Monson tweeted something transphobic during the Washington gubernatorial debate Wednesday night.

Although Monson or someone in charge of his Twitter account deleted the tweet in question, the internet is forever. Seattle Mariners beer vendor turned real estate agent Kevin Zelko was just one of those who screen-grabbed the tweet before it vanished.

In it, Monson “joked” about a remark by Washington State Gov. Jay Inslee about following the science regarding the coronavirus, by noting that Washington allows transgender citizens to legally change their birth certificate to match their authentic gender identity.

Changing one’s birth certificate to match their real lived experience is a crucial step in the transition process, according to Lambda Legal, because it allows a trans person “to accurately reflect on this legal document the sex with which the individual identifies, and as required proof of sex to obtain other identity and legal documents.”

The Seattle Times, which was first to confirm the suspension, reported Monson declined to comment to the paper. He’s been part of the Seahawks’ game-day coverage since 2002 and has hosted a Friday segment on an FM station with coach Pete Carroll, according to their report.

The Athletic noted Monson, who was not on the air Friday, “has built his name as a popular yet polarizing conservative talk show host primarily by saying what he wants about whomever he wants.”

Until now, that is. Neither the Seahawks or the radio outfit, Bonneville Seattle, commented on the matter; Outsports did not receive any response when we reached out to team personnel and Monson for comment. But social media reaction was loud and swift.

And someone even launched a petition on, garnering 156 signatures as of press time.

But of course, there were naysayers who blamed “cancel culture” and denied Monson’s tweet was transphobic, claiming “in no place on any planet in any galaxy was that tweet transphobic. What is this world coming to?”

Monson’s suspension comes two weeks after the resignation of Cincinnati Reds broadcaster Thom Brennaman, who used an anti-gay slur during a television broadcast of a Reds game.