As our SB Nation partner Eric Stephan wrote Thursday, some of the photos snapped on MLB Photo Day are “beautiful and perfect.”

And others might make you scratch your head in wonderment. Or cringe in embarrassment.

Or laugh along with the players, who for the most part are poking fun at themselves and the awkwardness many people feel when they have to pose for a photograph.

Take for example Joe Kelly and Justin Turner. The Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher and infielder were captured on camera together.

First, Kelly pretended to kiss Turner.

Joe Kelly, left, and Justin Turner pose for photographs on MLB Photo Day.

Then Turner suggested a “prom pose.”

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Prom pose? It must be Photo Day. 😂

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That was caught on video and tweeted by the team.

To Dodgers fans, this was either bewildering or funny, and some made homophobic comments, like “no homo,” “freaks,” and “Hollywood lifestyle.”

We want to hear from you. Tell us your thoughts in the comments below. Here’s what some of our Twitter followers said:

And a few others simply said, “cringe.” Another added: “Laughter at our expense.”

There should be nothing wrong with two men, even straight men, showing affection. And there’s nothing wrong with having fun. But knowing that in February 2020, there is not one active out gay player in any of the Big 3 professional sports of major league baseball, pro football or basketball, is it okay or is it homophobic to pose as a same-sex prom couple and pretend to kiss?

Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.