We’ll admit it: we live, breathe, eat and sleep sports. But right now, all around the world, concerns about COVID-19, also known as the Coronavirus, are top of mind. So, we have to accept that sports is taking a backseat to good hygiene and, let’s face it, life and death.

Here at Outsports, our entire team works from home (or wherever we can find a WiFi hotspot), so there’s no change in how we do our jobs. But millions of Americans are being told to not report to their offices or to leave their college campuses. The changes are coming at lightspeed, and we cannot imagine what the professional and personal impact will be in the days to weeks to come.

So, here’s our response: we’re providing this page as a place for you to get answers, and to tell us what you’re experiencing. Share your stories, your situation, your fears and how you’re handling the changes that range from work to play. Will you still go to sports games, provided fans can still attend? Are you concerned about your favorite players and teams and their health? What about the people whose livelihood depends on us fans spending money at arenas and stadiums, whether it be parking or food vendors or ticket takers?

We want to hear from you, and where we can, we’ll provide answers to your questions. Add your comments, questions, and share your stories below. You can also add your comments on Facebook or Instagram, tweet at us, direct message us via any social media, or just plain email us at [email protected]. We’ll do the best we can to answer everyone.

And as you think about what you want to say, check out these links to help you find answers to all kinds of questions, from how to protect yourself, to enjoying sex during this difficult time. We want you to be safe. We want you to remember: We are your family, and we’re here for you. Let us know how you’re doing, and how else we can help.

And please: wash your hands!

The Vox guide to Coronavirus (our parent corporation)

Sex and the Coronavirus: an interview with a health expert by the awesome Alex Abad Santos

How you can help those most impacted by the Coronavirus

SB Nation’s report on Coronavirus impact on March Madness

USA Today’s Coronavirus impact on sports page

ESPN’s coverage of cancellations and disruptions in sports

The Centers for Disease Control page on COVID-19 Coronavirus

The World Health Organization advice page

Questions and answers from the World Health Organization

U.S. Dept. of Labor Coronavirus information for the workplace

The FDA page on the Coronavirus

Scroll down to ask us a question or share your story!