Hall of Fame quarterback Steve Young, a direct descendant of Mormon church founder Brigham Young, is continuing his advocacy for LGBTQ students at BYU, where same-sex relations have long been banned.

Young sent out a Tweet Friday that supported BYU students who protested a revision to the Mormon’s church policy on same-sex relationships that was not as progressive as it first appeared.

Administrators at the university owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints clarified in a letter posted online Wednesday that “same-sex romantic behavior” was still not allowed on campus. The letter said the recent revision to what is known as the “honor code” didn’t change the “moral standards” of the church or the faith’s opposition to same-sex marriage.

Young and his wife Barbara have long been supporters of LGBTQ rights. In 2008, the couple came out against California’s Prop. 8, which banned same-sex marriage. Barbara Young has a gay brother.

In 2013, the Youngs were keynote speakers at a Mormon conference affirming LGBTQ people. As we reported at the time:

Another commitment that the Youngs have had for many years is that of bringing more understanding and love to the LGBT community, beginning with the many gay and lesbian friends and family members that have blessed their lives. Barb and Steve have been long time supporters of the Trevor Project, an organization providing “crisis intervention and suicide prevention services” for LGBTQ youth; the Family Acceptance Project, a research-based organization that uses a “culturally grounded approach to help ethnically, socially and religiously diverse families decrease rejection and increase support for their LGBT children”; and individuals doing great work in the area of teaching us all more what it means to “Love One Another.

Being out at BYU can be a lonely experience and as far as we know there is only one out athlete at the school. A person with Young’s stature shows the value of having the support of a high-profile church member.