Since news of his passing late Friday night, LGBT Sports Twitter has been filled with tributes to the late great Rep. John Lewis. The civil rights leader died on Friday, following a seven-month battle with pancreatic cancer. He was 80.

Lewis was one of the longest-serving members of the House of Representatives, but he was so much more than that. The son of sharecroppers and the great grandson of slaves, Lewis was a fierce advocate for nonviolent protest and a champion for equality. His peers called him the conscience of Congress. He was the last surviving speaker at the 1963 March on Washington.

Two years later, he led 600 people on a march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge to Selma, Alabama, where white National Guardsmen and police beat him and many others bloody. That day was forever known from that point forward as Bloody Sunday.

John Lewis is photographed being beaten on Bloody Sunday.

The assault on their peaceful demonstration was carried live on television, and historians believe that this display was a turning point in public perception of their pursuit for equal opportunity and racial equality.

Here’s just a sampling of the tweeted tributes from across the spectrum of LGBT sports.

There were also tweets from famous names beyond the LGBTQ community.

The former president also reminded us Lewis was the 2nd civil rights icon we lost Friday:

Other presidents weighed-in, too, both Democrat…

And Republican…

UPDATE: Just after this story was published, President Trump had this to say about the passing of Rep. Lewis:

Earlier, there was this proclamation from The White House, that the U.S. flag shall be flown at half-staff, but only for one day.

And here are a few more from the world of sports:

How incredible is this photo, shared by legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar?

“I have been in some kind of fight — for freedom, equality, basic human rights — for nearly my entire life.” — John Lewis