A new study is looking for gay, lesbian, bi, trans and queer athletes who have been out to teammates on high school or college teams while competing.

The study uses a survey to better understand the experiences of LGBTQ athletes both before and after they were out to at least some teammates. It doesn’t matter when you were out to teammates, just that you were out to at least one at some point while you were on the team. The survey takes only about five minutes to complete.

The project is being overseen by Outsports, the Sports Equality Foundation and Dr. Eric Anderson, a professor of Sport, Health and Social Sciences at the University of Winchester in England. Anderson was one of the first high school coaches in America to come out publicly as gay, before launching a career in academia studying, among other issues, gay and bisexual men in sports.

The research has been ethically approved by the University of Winchester.

If you are a current or former LGBTQ athlete who is or was out to at least one teammate in high school or college, we would love for you to fill out the survey. It is completely anonymous.

To get the link to the survey, please email Outsports at [email protected], or the Sports Equality Foundation at [email protected]. Your email will be kept completely confidential.

You can also DM us on Instagram at Outsports or Sports Equality Foundation.

Thank you for your time.