There are no shortage of events during this year’s Pride month celebrating the ever-increasing presence of LGBTQ identities in pro wrestling, but those touchstones aren’t being contained to the in-ring action.

Independent pro wrestling streaming service (IWTV) kicked off Pride month with the debut of the powerful documentary, “The Life of Edith Surreal,” highlighting trans lived experiences in a way pro wrestling has never seen through the eyes of rising star Edith Surreal.

IWTV continued shining that spotlight on LGBTQ pro wrestling last weekend with the debut of the documentary, “Cassius: Pride of Brighton.” The film focuses on out British and bubbly pro wrestler Cassius, recounting his quick rise through Riptide Wrestling, one of the U.K.’s most exciting and inclusive promotions, to become the Pride of Brighton champion.

Most of the film is dedicated to the trials the “Neon Explosion” faced during 2019’s Pride of Brighton tournament. From clashes over eyebrow maintenance with Chakara to standing across the ring from the former “Keyboard Warrior” Mad Kurt, the film acts simultaneously as both an inside look and history lesson on Cassius’ quest to carve his own unique path to joy and prestige in the British pro wrestling scene.

There is also time dedicated to Cassius’ journey to embracing his infectious personality, his love of WWE’s Divas era and his identity as a gay man in pro wrestling and beyond.

“If it wasn’t for wrestling I would probably still be in the closet,” Cassius told Outsports in an Aug. 2020 interview. “All the things people took the mick out of me for before, these are the things that people cheer for me for now.”

Those cheers turning to joy for both Cassius and those that believe in him is the lasting image of the documentary. It is impossible to leave this film without a smile stretching across your face, making it a perfect addition to everything the pro wrestling community is contributing to the most visual, radical and groundbreaking Pride month the industry has ever seen.

“Cassius: Pride of Brighton” is available to stream on-demand on