Content Warning: Story contains graphic Transphobia

Popular pro wrestling YouTube channel Wrestling With Wregret has cut ties with contributor James “J” Biggs after his participation in anti-trans social media activity came to light early Wednesday morning.

Wednesday’s events sparked from a Facebook post made late Tuesday night by pro wrestler/referee Kelsie Marie Gibson in support of trans individuals.

“Trans women are women. Trans men are men. Fight me if you think otherwise,” read Gibson’s post.

Biggs offered a “love” reaction on the post to an anti-trans comment that read: “Just because you get your dick chopped off doesn’t make you a female.”

A screenshot published on Twitter by podcaster Collins brought the issue to light shortly afterward. “James Biggs really exposing himself as a transphobe,” Collins tweeted.

Biggs has worked periodically as an on-air personality for the Wrestling With Wregret YouTube channel, which boasts more than 325,000 subscribers, since 2014. The channel produces comedic videos focused on topics in pro wrestling history and reviews current and classic pro wrestling events.

The channel first produced content covering LGBTQ characters and identities in pro wrestling in 2018.

Biggs mostly appeared in prediction and reaction videos for major pro wrestling pay-per-view events alongside channel creator Brian Zane and made appearances as a co-host of the WWW podcast. His most recent appearance on the channel was on Tuesday on the channel’s weekly review of WWE Monday Night Raw.

Zane announced that Biggs’ involvement with Wrestling With Wregret was terminated Wednesday afternoon.

“James’ actions were very hurtful and don’t reflect my values or those of the channel. Transphobia has no place in wrestling or anywhere else,” Zane said in a statement. “I have worked hard to make my community safe for all, and that work would ring hollow if I refused to act on this.”

Zane also thanked those that contacted him regarding Biggs’ activity and apologized “to those who were hurt by this.”

Zane did not respond to Outsports’ request for comment.

Pro wrestling manager and promoter of Oregon-based POW! Pro Wrestling Mr. Ooh-La-La, who also contributes to Wrestling With Wregret as a writer, also confirmed Biggs’ departure from the channel. Despite Biggs having no involvement with POW! Pro Wrestling, Mr. Ooh-La-La also reiterated his commitment to book trans talent on POW! Pro Wrestling events and to “continue to make sure that POW! Pro Wrestling is an environment where hate is constantly refuted.”

Mr. Ooh-La-La currently manages out trans pro wrestler Abigail Warren in multiple promotions throughout the Pacific Northwest.

“It’s easy to assume that someone in your sphere is automatically intelligent and empathetic enough to have figured out how baldly stupid, ridiculous, cruel, etc. discrimination of any type is. But this situation is illustrative of the way trans people are under attack in this country and the world, and how ardently these behaviors and prejudices need to be actively fought against,” Mr. Ooh-La-La told Outsports. “Brian and I are completely committed to fostering an environment where all are welcome, supported, and safe.”

Biggs responded to Outsports’ request for comment with a video from “The Whole F’n Show” wrestling podcast defending Biggs while making multiple homophobic and transphobic comments. “This would sum it up pretty much,” Biggs told Outsports.