Why the hell did the NHL, with its ban on Pride Tape, as well as other cause-oriented initiatives, decide to create such utter havoc in a league completely dominated by White, straight, cisgender men?

We may never know. But what we do know is that the NHL should have never gone there.

And when it came time to rescind the policy, the league released a completely unempathetic statement with zero remorse or apology.

As such, I think it’s time for the resignation of league commissioner Gary Bettman, and other deputies like league PR head honcho John Dellapina should be seriously rethinking how they got to this place.

There will be academic studies performed about the NHL’s completely stupid public-relations move examined for years to come.

The upshot? It’s crazy that league commissioner Bettman, as well as others, are allowed to keep their jobs.

What unfolded after the league’s choice to ban Pride Tape and other individual-based player expression, was literally the worst PR disaster in any professional sports league we have seen.

Bettman should resign from the league effective immediately.