The “Keystone of Enjoy Wrestling,” Edith Surreal, now holds the crown prize of the rising independent pro wrestling promotion, defeating MV Young for the Enjoy Wrestling championship in a brutal, bloody battle between two out LGBTQ wrestlers.

Surreal secured the title at the Pittsburgh-based promotion’s “Rites of Spring” event, which aired in recent weeks on Enjoy Wrestling’s official YouTube channel. The main event fight between Surreal and Young closed out the season on Thursday, and proved to be a major moment in the young promotion’s history.

Young entered the match as the only person to ever hold the Enjoy Wrestling championship, reigning as champion for 597 days after winning the belt in the first Enjoy Odyssey match. His lengthy reign and weapons-laden title defenses were a major part of Enjoy Wrestling’s quick rise in reputation since 2021.

Like Young, Surreal has been a cornerstone of the company since Day 1, featuring in a prominent feud with Enjoy Wrestling Tag Team champion Ziggy Haim, challenging for the company’s Tag Team titles and winning the second Enjoy Odyssey match to earn her shot against Young.

The match featured a clash of styles, with Young’s hard-hitting prowess colliding with Surreal’s technical grace. Ultimately, the battle devolved into a brawl after the fight spilled to the outside and into the crowd.

Despite two power bombs onto a door that wouldn’t budge, Surreal found her fire after Young resorted to tearing at her mask, a cardinal sin in the world of lucha libre typically characterized as defacing a wrestler’s very identity, and drawing blood with the Enjoy title belt itself.

Surreal turned the tables in the end, forcing Young to tap out to a modified version of her Venus Fly Trap submission as the crowd erupted in cheers. The tenacity of the match gave way to admiration and respect in the post-match as Young congratulated the new champion before leaving the ring.

Enjoy Wrestling’s official Twitter account celebrated Surreal’s achievement, declaring, “The era of Edith has begun,” following the broadcast. Multiple Enjoy Wrestling personnel and fans showed similar love to both Surreal and Young, with commentator Joe Dombrowski saying the match “felt special.”

Surreal’s first test of her Enjoy championship reign will come at Enjoy Wrestling’s next live taping, “Something To Write Home About,” on June 17.