Sadie Schreiner races for Rochester Institute of Tehnology, an NCAA Division III school. | RIT Athletics Communications

Sadie Schreiner is so unfair.

OMG, so unbeatable. She’s a “male” runner competing in the female category as a trans woman.

Sooooooo unfair!

In the Division III National Championshiops, she was soooo unfair that she finished ninth in the 200-meter, the only event in which she qualified.

Soooooooo unfair!

She finished her preliminary heat for the 200-meter race at 24.71, which was a tie with eighth place and determined to lose a tiebreak.

Schreiner drew criticism from anti-trans forces when she appeared on the track and field scene.

Now she is a ninth-place finisher at the NCAA Championships.

Hardly unbeatable.