Rob Shumacher-USA TODAY

Ian Thorpe, the now chubby Australian swimming icon, grabbed his public megaphone and declared again today that he’s not gay. Thorpe again came out as not gay to address media speculation that he’s in more than a bromance with housemate Daniel Mendes after the two were photographed on holiday in Brazil.

“In the past, on several separate occasions, I have answered questions about my sexuality openly and honestly with the media … my situation in this regard has not changed,” he said.

Ian Thorpe, the Australian swimming icon, grabbed his public megaphone and declared again today that he’s not gay. Thorpe again came out as not gay to address media speculation that he’s in more than a bromance with housemate Daniel Mendes after the two were photographed on holiday in Brazil.

“In the past, on several separate occasions, I have answered questions about my sexuality openly and honestly with the media … my situation in this regard has not changed,” he said.

And so goes the saga. Thorpe first came out as not gay in 2002, then again in 2007.

Now he’s upset that the new round of speculation is hurting people around him. Yeah, like maybe his man-friend Mendes, who unlike Thorpe, maintains his tight swimming form and looked pretty good on the beaches of Brazil in his square cut.

“I have only commented on this issue at this time because I draw the line when innuendo implicates people like my family and my friends,” Thorpe said.

To bask in the former glory of Thorpe, check out this photo gallery.
Matt Hennie blogs on Atlanta’s gay sports scene (and other stuff) at Project Q Atlanta.