Imagine Shaq raising another team’s basket two inches. Serena Williams somehow repainting the lines on her side so her opponent had a smaller area to hit to. An umpire shrinking and expanding the strike zone depending on which team is at bat. That’s what Danish goalkeeper Kim Christensen did in a recent match for his Swedish team. And he says he’s done it before:

I got the tip from a goalkeeping friend a few years ago, and since then I have done it from time to time," he told the Aftonbladet newspaper.

See the video evidence after the jump.

Imagine Shaq raising another team’s basket two inches. Serena Williams somehow repainting the lines on her side so her opponent had a smaller area to hit to. An umpire shrinking and expanding the strike zone depending on which team is at bat. That’s what Danish goalkeeper Kim Christensen did in a recent match for his Swedish team. And he says he’s done it before:

I got the tip from a goalkeeping friend a few years ago, and since then I have done it from time to time," he told the Aftonbladet newspaper.

See the video evidence after the jump.

Hat tip to Fark.