Can you name that flag?

France. Italy. These two teams played for the World Cup title in 2006. Now they have been sent home packing…by Slovakia and Paraguay??? Yep, it's the World Cup for the little guy, as the big guns are falling and teams ranked in the 30s and 40s of FIFA World Rankings are advancing! Add Ghana and Korea Republic to the mix, and you have four teams that weren't expected to get more than some polite applause, let alone advance to the single-elimination round! Hopefully Japan and Switzerland can join them and make a tournament out of it!

Can you name that flag?

France. Italy. These two teams played for the World Cup title in 2006. Now they have been sent home packing…by Slovakia and Paraguay??? Yep, it's the World Cup for the little guy, as the big guns are falling and teams ranked in the 30s and 40s of FIFA World Rankings are advancing! Add Ghana and Korea Republic to the mix, and you have four teams that weren't expected to get more than some polite applause, let alone advance to the single-elimination round! Hopefully Japan and Switzerland can join them and make a tournament out of it!