“Top Shot,” the History Channel reality show about marksmen is seeking new contestants for its third season. The deadline to apply is Tuesday. The show contacted Outsports as they are reaching out to different communities.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a professionally trained shooter or a self-taught, average Joe (or Jane!). As long as you’re in good physical shape, have mastered a firearm and can adapt to new weapons and demanding physical situations, you could be America’s next “Top Shot.”
“Top Shot,” the History Channel reality show about marksmen is seeking new contestants for its third season. The deadline to apply is Tuesday. The show contacted Outsports as they are reaching out to different communities.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a professionally trained shooter or a self-taught, average Joe (or Jane!). As long as you’re in good physical shape, have mastered a firearm and can adapt to new weapons and demanding physical situations, you could be America’s next “Top Shot.”
The show, which pays out $100,000 in prizes, is also looking for marksmen pairs, and a same-sex couple would be an interesting twist. To apply, send an e-mail with your name, city/state, phone number, a recent photo of yourself and a brief explanation of why you should be on the show. You must be 21 to enter. Deadline to apply is Feb. 2011. For more information, visit www.pilgrimfilms.tv or call 818-478-4570 for more information.