Lest you think locker room hazing is a uniquely American phenomenon, here's David Beckham revealing that he was forced to masturbate to a photo of an English soccer player while he was a 16-year-old in 1992 just breaking in to the pro soccer world. From Metro:

The midfielder said he got the short-straw with his humiliation, revealing to the Metro: ‘One of mine was surprising! The Clayton Blackmore!’ [a 1980s English soccer star].
Recalling his teen horror, he said: ‘Everyone had an initiation that you had to go through on the youth team, that was one of the most uncomfortable ones!’
'The fact that I had to look at Clayton Blackmore’s calendar and do certain things, while looking at Clayton Blackmore…’
Forced to recall the humiliating ceremony on camera for a documentary on his former team, called 'The Class of '92', he said: ‘I was embarrassed when I was saying it on camera let alone talking about it more. But it’s something that we all had to go through. It was definitely something I wouldn’t like to go through again!'

Beckham has gone on to amazing fame and fortune, but even for him the hazing is something that still bothers. Imagine how it feels to a more marginal player.