A new Italian football commercial alleges to support gay athletes… by relying on stereotypes and sexualizing gay men.

This was the report from one Italian blog:

Respect for others, especially. A concept often trampled in the life of every day. The real and the virtual (but not without its positive or negative concreteness, as the case may be) of social networks. Respect for different choices, different decisions, different behaviors which, for this, they are often ghettoized if not worse. Comes from the world of football a clear no to homophobia and bullying with a message, together, ironic, provocative and strong. A short video shot by Federico De Musso, who took part in the Lions' team of Bergamo, one of the holders of Italy. An example (not the first and not the last, you see, in the U.S., the story of Michael Sam) of how, in a rapidly discipline filed by those who are not as violent and macho sports culture, solidarity between teammates and opponents is an absolute value.

Not sure how overt stereotyping helps, but I guess it's a cultural thing.

Hat tip to Itay Hod.