This Sunday ESPN's Outside The Lines will revisit the story of Corey Johnson, the high school football captain in Massachusetts who came out to his team in 1999 and who came out publicly in 2000. They position Johnson's story as a turning point for gay sports, and it was: Johnson's public coming out was named the No. 6 most important moment for LGBT sports on Outsports 2011 list. The Outside The Lines piece shares insights about Johnson's story I didn't even realize, including the doubt and fears of many of his teammates who seemingly came around and fully supported him. Johnson is now a member of the New York City Council.

ESPN also talked with a coach at Johnson's high school who came out shortly after Johnson made his public statements.

After they broadcast T.J. Quinn's segment on Johnson, Bob Ley will chat with LGBT activist and educator Jeff Perrotti, youth pastor and former NFL player Eddie Williams, and me.

Check out the video preview of Johnson's story on ESPN's site. The show airs Sunday, April 27, at 9amET.