We've long been fans of pitcher Brandon McCarthy, now with the New York Yankees, after he called out the inherent homophobia of "kiss cams" that showed two guys kissing with the intent of making the crowd laugh at them. McCarthy is very astute and funny and has built a large Twitter following. He's also more than ready to take on Tony Dungy for his comments on Michael Sam, as he did in an interview with the New York Daily News.

"You've got convicts and everything else (in the NFL), you've got these other things that people are just fine with, but this is an issue?" McCarthy said. "Don't put your thoughts like that."

I mentioned to McCarthy that Dungy's words, and subsequent attempts to clarify ("Even though I don't agree with his lifestyle, I love him," the ex-coach told radio host Dan Patrick on Wednesday), have not made him look good.

"No," McCarthy said. "And it keeps getting worse." …
"I don't get the distraction angle," he said. "There are only so many questions you can ask Michael Sam, and ask his teammates, without (the reporter) being the a——. If you go over and ask one of his teammates ‘does he look at you in the shower?,' you're the a—–."

McCarthy also said he thinks Major League Baseball is ready for an openly gay player, citing increased diversity and professionalism in the locker room. "I have heard a few people say it would be an issue to them, but the overwhelming majority have (said) there wouldn't be an issue. Maybe a clubhouse 25 years ago, where… the discussion hasn't even been had, and the clubhouse was like a family atmosphere."