Robert Griffin III, the now-former Washington quarterback (enter Kirk Cousins), was about to wear a Christian T-shirt at a post-game press conference until the NFL said…ummmm, no. RG3’s shirt read “Know Jesus Know Peace” and, simultaneously, “No Jesus No Peace.” The reason he was told to turn the shirt inside out had nothing to do with Jesus (see below). But, frankly, I’m glad they told him not to wear it.

It's one thing to say "Know Jesus Know Peace." It's a pretty positive statement about one man's religious belief about the power of Jesus in his life. But "No Jesus No Peace" tells me that because I don't "believe in Jesus," I have "no peace" in my life. Kinda crappy and 100% negative. He has no idea who has found peace in their life and who has not. There are plenty of Christians who live life in turmoil and many non-Christians who live a beautifully peaceful existence.

Somehow I had expected more of this man.

The episode of course drew complaints that the NFL somehow was endorsing homosexuality and attacking Christianity:

That tweet drew a number of “oh how horrible the world is” responses. The tweeter was referring to Michael Sam kissing his boyfriend after being drafted, and said kiss being aired on ESPN about a zillion times.

The incidence are, of course, apples and oranges. Or, as I heard Bill Polian say last week, "apples and furniture."

CBS had the real reason he was asked to turn the shirt inside-out. Shocker – it had nothing to do with Jesus:

According to NFL bylaws, players are prohibited from wearing clothing with personal messages on game-days.

"Throughout the period on game-day that a player is visible to the stadium and television audience (including in pregame warm-ups, in the bench area, and during postgame interviews in the locker room or on the field), players are prohibited from wearing, displaying, or otherwise conveying personal messages either in writing or illustration, unless such message has been approved in advance by the League office."