WWE wrestler Seth Rollins is sorry that nude photos of himself wound up being posted on social media.

Deadspin has all the details, including the NSFW nude shot of Rollins and one of female wrestler Zahra Schreiber that was somehow posted on Rollins' Instagram, Twitter and Facebook accounts. As Deadspin notes, "Seemingly in retaliation, since-deleted nude selfies of Rollins then appeared on the Twitter account of his fiancée, Leighla Schultz."

Oh, what a tangled web. However, both Rollins and Schreiber are beautiful, so they have given millions great joy. Here is Rollins with a face:

The photo at the top of story is all I could show without violating our no-nudes policy. Deadspin delves into the intrigue surrounding Nudiegate.

Last July, rugby player George Burgess showed himself in all his naked glory when two photos appeared on his Twitter feed.