Openly gay diver Tom Daley had quite a weekend, winning the 10-meter platform a the World Series event in London. He beat out two favored Chinese divers, including the world record holder. This highlights are weekend roundup of LGBT sports news.

Tom Daley wins 10m London gold — BBC
Britain's Tom Daley shows he can still beat the world-leading Chinese divers as he wins 10m platform World Series gold in London.
"I knew I had this in the tank and that I could beat the Chinese," he told BBC Sport. "It [99.00] is the highest I've ever scored with a 'twister' routine in my life, so it's great for it finally to work in competition."

Israeli Soccer Association ‘bans’ use of rainbow flag · PinkNews
The Israeli Soccer Association has warned teams to stick to regulations – after a pride flag was used to mark a corner during a match.

Out gay diver Tom Daley poses at the Kremlin in Moscow · PinkNews
Out gay Olympic diver Tom Daley has been praised for posting a photo of himself in front of the Kremlin in Moscow.

Scotland sports bodies urged to show homophobia a red card
Sports clubs and governing bodies will be urged this week to back a new charter to tackle homophobic bullying in Scotland. The declaration is also aimed at increasing gay and transgender people’s participation in sport.

Here is a bonus Tom Daley photo from the event by Michael Regan/Getty Images: