Just-graduated gay West Virginia high school athletes Michael Martin and Logan Westrope got a lot of attention when they attended Michael's senior prom together in late April. They have now decided to tell the story of how they met in a video for the It Gets Better Project. This includes Michael's unique prom proposal at a Chick-fil-A.

Michael — who played high school soccer, tennis and was a swimmer — is attending Wilson College in Pennsylvania and studying environmental sustainability. He will be the goalie on his school’s Division III soccer team. Logan, who played high school tennis, is attending Penn State and majoring in meteorology.

They have been dating for five months and Michael’s mom loves Logan, after initialing shunning her son when he came out. For both, things have really gotten better.

You can contact the two via social media:
Instagram: @wvnatureboy @logan.hhs
Twitter: @martinofcompany
Logan: [email protected]
Michael: [email protected]

Read Michael’s coming out story.