Michael Martin, an openly gay soccer player who just graduated high school in West Virginia, was inspired by the Supreme Court allowing same-sex marriage to perform Macklemore & Ryan Lewis' "Same Love" as a poem. It's fitting since he has his own same love with his boyfriend Logan, the two having just past the six-month mark.
The video was shot by Michael's friend Daniel Gray, both of whom love the song, near Martinsburg, W. Va. The sound is a tad faint, so turn up your speakers. Michael put his own spin on some of the lyrics and the ending is terrific.
Michael’s coming out story on Outsports last December went viral, and he has developed a strong social media presence. His WV Nature Boy Instagram account went from very few followers to 20,000 after the story appeared and each post there gets hundreds of likes. Fast Company did a long profile of Michael and his high school class with the title “Instagrads: What It’s Like To Spend All 4 Years Of High School On Instagram.”
Michael will attend Wilson College in Pennsylvania this fall as an openly gay athlete and will be a goalie on the school’s Division III soccer team. He has come a long way since last August when he was closeted to the world.