Manchester United will play a friendly (or exhibition match) against Stonewall FC, one of the world's oldest gay soccer clubs, later this year, according to Gay Star News. Stonewall FC is celebrating its 25th anniversary this month. A date for the match has not yet been set. Arsenal previously hosted a four-team soccer tournament with Stonewall FC.
Is the gay team set up for total disaster? After all, the skill levels between one of the world's premier gay teams and one of the Premier League's teams are hardly comparable. Is the gay team headed for a 15-0 blowout?
"As some have suggested this may be a little unfair," said Richard Arnold, the Group Managing Director of Manchester United, as reported by Gay Star News. "It will be the [Manchester United] veterans and staff XI team."
The announcement came as part of an LGBT In Sports conference held yesterday in London. The event was hosted in part by AON, the naming partner on Manchester United jerseys.