Jess Farmer is a senior women's basketball player at Elon University in North Carolina. Aly Quintana, graduated a year ago and was on the softball team. Theirs is a girl-meets-girl-and-fall-in-love story we still don't hear enough about.

Alex Simon, sports editor of Elon's Pendulum newspaper, has written an engaging and insightful feature on the two women, how they met, the support they received on campus and how their relationship dynamic affected them as athletes. It's great to see a same-sex relationship explored in such depth. I especially liked the details of their proposal:

After dating for a year and a half, Farmer knew Quintana was the one she wanted to marry.
"I already had a ring and everything picked out. It was coming," Farmer said. "But she beat me to the punch."
With the basketball schedule giving Farmer little time for winter break, the couple spent two nights together in a hotel in Miami before heading home to their respective families.
"I got this hotel on the beach, and I took her for a walk, and there was this pier I had seen two weeks prior, and I was like, ‘Oh my gosh, it’d be awesome to propose to her here. It’s so pretty,’" Quintana said. "The whole sunset worked out perfectly, at the same time."
On December 22, 2014, Quintana shocked Farmer by pulling out the ring — silently.
"Yeah, I couldn’t say anything," Quintana said as Farmer laughed. "I don’t know what happened to me. I just became speechless. She said, ‘Is this what I think it means?’ And I was like, ‘Yeah.’"

I urge you to read the whole thing and wish Farmer and Qunitana nothing but the best.