Javier Raya, 25, an Olympic figure skater from Spain, has come out publicly as gay in the new-fashioned way: On Instagram, with a photo of him kissing his boyfriend:

Raya is on the left, Andrew Nicholson on the right. The caption read:

Many of you knows, others can imagine by the pictures and others will be surprised, but I have to say that right now I feel like the luckiest person in the world!
Thank you @nicholsondrew

The photo was posted three weeks ago, but did not get any attention outside of the Spanish media. Raya finished 25th in the 2014 men's figure skating competition at the 2014 Winter Olympics.

Raya is the second major Spanish Olympic athlete to come out as gay in the past few weeks. He is joined by water polo Victor Gutierrez. If you understand Spanish, there is a video of Raya discussing Gutierrez and coming out.

Thanks to reader Jeff for the tip.

Here is another photo of Raya (right) and Nicholson, from the latter's Instagram feed: