Angela and Electra Viveros certainly have their hands full these days. The lesbian couple, raising triplets and coaching basketball at La Quinta High School, was the subject of a lengthy Mother’s Day feature by Nat Brown for the Desert Sun.

Talk about taking your work home with you…

Lines blur between coaching and motherhood in the Viveros home, and both parents see a lot of ways they’ve grown as coaches because of their little boys. Whether it’s modeling a bounce pass or the footwork for a post-up move, or how to use hand motions so their boys can say they’re hungry or tired, their teaching roles never really stop.

“If the boys aren’t acting or behaving right and it’s time for timeout, it’s like coaching,” Angela said. “If you don’t do this, you have to do a down-and-back, and if you don’t enforce it, they’re not going to change their behavior.”

Together, the pair make a great coaching duo, two minds unafraid to question the other's ideas, a situation that some are surprised they can make work.

The Desert Sun has a lengthy profile on the dynamic duo, which you can read in full here.

You can also find Electra Viveros and Angela Vieros on Facebook.