As the ALCS and NLCS are drawing to a close, it’s not difficult to figure out what two teams would make this World Series a celebration of inclusion. The Boston Red Sox and Los Angeles Dodgers both have strong histories of supporting the LGBTQ community.

The Dodgers sport a couple of big LGBTQ-inclusive elements. Their annual Pride Night has become the biggest in all of sports, selling around 7,000 tickets each of the last two years, far ahead of any other event in MLB or anywhere else in sports. Plus their event goes above-and-beyond with rainbow flags, singers, opening pitchers, T-shirts, announcements, the KissCam… you name it. The whole night is Pride Night.

The team also has one of the league’s most powerful out LGBTQ people. Erik Braverman is now a senior vice-president with the Dodgers, making him a key decision-maker for the team.

The Red Sox aren’t to be outdone. Just this week they announced a $200k donation to the neighborhood LGBTQ health center, Fenway Health, in honor of Spirit Day. The team has had successful Pride Nights for the last few years, painting a rainbow Red Sox logo on the pitchers’ mound for the occasion.

Plus the Red Sox have their own publicly out gay employee, David Baggs, who has the title of Director, Sales Academy & Season Ticket Sales.

Both teams also have a deeper history with the LGBTQ community.

In the late 1970s, Glenn Burke was quietly out in the locker room as a part of the Dodgers’ roster before homophobe Tommy Lasorda got rid of him. Billy Bean was also a member of the Dodgers in 1989 well before he came out.

Even back in 2005, the Boston Red Sox worked with Bravo to have some of their players get makeovers on the hit show Queer Eye for the Straight Guy.

The Milwaukee Brewers did host a Pride Night this year. The Houston Astros did not, and they have virtually no track record of supporting the LGBTQ community that we know of.