Elena Delle Donne has penned and published a new children’s book. Titled “Elle of the Ball,” the story revolves around a tall 12-year-old seventh-grade girl. It was published earlier this month by Simon and Schuster.
Simon and Schuster lay out the trials ahead for Elle:
She’s six feet tall. And for a twelve-year-old girl, this means that her basketball team has high hopes for her changing positions and becoming their starting center. But a new position is not the only footwork she has to learn. Her class’s dance unit in gym is coming up, and that means she has to learn ballroom dance steps with a boy much shorter than her—and perform publicly for a grade.
The book is written for children with a grade 3-7 reading level.
A second book in her series of stories with Elle, called “Full Court Press,” will be released in June during Pride Month. Delle Donne came out publicly a couple years ago before winning an Olympic gold medal. Her wedding last year — marrying her girlfriend Amanda Clifton — was a sight to behold.
You can order the hardcover book on Amazon, where it seems to be doing quite well right now, ranked in the top 10,000 of all books on the site.