Seimone Augustus has been inducted into the Louisiana high school sports hall of fame.

The out lesbian WNBA player accepted her induction this weekend, sharing her excitement for the honor on Instagram:

Augustus played basketball for Capital High School in Baton Rouge. She was drafted by the Minnesota Lynx in 2006 and has played for the team ever since. She’s won four WNBA titles with the team, including their latest last season. She’s a seven-time WNBA All-Star. Augustus has three Olympic gold medals with Team USA.

In 2016 she was chosen as one of the 20 greatest WNBA players of all time, in honor of the leagues’ 20th anniversary.

Her No. 33 has been retired by her alma mater, LSU.

The induction of Augustus continues to underscore the notion that sports in even the most conservative areas of the country are becoming inclusive spaces. Augustus has been one of the most out and vocal LGBTQ players in professional sports.