During Mexico’s stunning 1-0 World Cup win over Germany in Moscow on Sunday, some fans again chanted the gay slur “puto” during some kicks by Germany’s goalie. After the game, another slur was used by fans celebrating Mexico’s win.

El que no salta es un chileno maricón” some fans chanted in a Moscow underpass in a video shot by journalist Danny Armstrong:

Translated it means: “He who doesn’t jump is a Chilean faggot.”

In writing about the “puto” issue for four years now, we at Outsports have heard from people defending it by saying it’s not really a gay slur (we strongly disagree). There is no spinning “maricón,” though. It means “faggot” and is clearly homophobic to the point where non-Spanish people are familiar with as a slur.

Yet a search of “El que no salta es un chileno maricón” finds numerous examples of it being chanted at soccer games involving Mexicans, overwhelming by young men. I think these people take great pride in being politically incorrect, as if they’re sticking it to the man and think it’s harmless, and have no regard for how it’s heard by LGBT people.

FIFA, soccer’s governing body, said it is examining the “puto” chant, include the match report from the anti-discrimination monitor. It is unclear what punishment FIFA can levy that will be a deterrence, short of them stopping the match and kicking out fans. FIFA can do nothing about stuff chanted outside the stadium.

It’s a shame that in one of the greatest moments in Mexican sports history, some fans inside and outside the stadium acted like insensitive jerks and demeaned a class of people in the name of celebration.