When New York City nicknamed the stretch of Broadway reserved for victory parades the “Canyon of Heroes,” they couldn’t have picked a better phrase to describe today’s celebration of the US Women’s National Team’s World Cup championship. The U.S. Women took over Lower Manhattan and LGBTQ stars like Megan Rapinoe, Ali Krieger, and Ashlyn Harris were at the forefront of the festivities.

Watch a replay of the ticker tape parade and City Hall celebration by clicking here.

For starters, Rapinoe came up with the most succinct and accurate caption for any picture of her and the World Cup trophy…

If U.S. Soccer doesn’t immediately begin printing “I DESERVE THIS” t-shirts, the entire marketing staff should be sacked.

Speaking of that particular organization, the USWNT decided that their party didn’t have enough confetti. So they decided to make some more out of their Equal Pay lawsuit.

That’s Harris throwing pages of the lawsuit into the trees and Allie Long sampling a page, presumably because she likes the taste of justice.

Pages from the lawsuit were also put to good use by the creator of this inspiring sign:

Equal Pay fever ran so rampant, even certain mayors caught a bit of it…

Thanks to Alex Morgan, New York City might also have broken a world record for most people pantomiming tea sipping.

Somebody call Guinness. Or Lipton.

As for Morgan herself, she’s got a new drink of champions:

During the rally at City Hall, Rapinoe summed up what the USNWT and inclusion are all about

Shortly thereafter, she also became the rare famous person to declare that she isn’t running for president.

But that’s OK. Because this fan had a better idea…