There’s a long history of Canadian sports blazing a trail for LGBTQ people. The Canadian Football League signed Michael Sam after he came out as gay. Vancouver hosted the third Gay Games, in 1990. Mark Tewksbury was one of the first Olympic gold medalists to come out publicly anywhere in the world.

Proud to Play is a new children’s book highlighting some of the LGBTQ athletes who have helped pave a path toward inclusion in Canada.

Erin Silver, the author, joins us this week on the Five Rings To Rule Them All podcast to talk about some of her favorite stories in the book and how she went about selecting who would be included.

Several Olympians are featured, including Eric Radford, Tewksbury and Anastasia Bucsis, as well as former hockey player Brock McGillis, volleyball players Betty Baxter and Christopher Voth, and more.

You can grab your copy of Proud To Play from the publisher, Lorimer.

You can listen to the conversation with author Erin Silver on the Five Rings To Rule Them All podcast on Megaphone, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Apple podcasts and many more platforms. Just search for Outsports wherever you get your podcast.

And be sure to follow Five Rings To Rule Them All on Twitter.

You can follow Erin Silver on Twitter.