Mexican soccer fans at an event in L.A. in 2024. | Jessica Alcheh-USA TODAY Sports

Mexico and FIFA are back at the Court of Arbitration for Sport as the Mexican Football Federation tries to fend off punishments for its fans continuing to chant anti-gay slurs en masse at its games, according to the Associated Press.

The latest punishment — a fine of about $114,000 — comes after Mexico fans chanted their favorite anti-gay slur, “puto,” during the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar.

The monetary fine pales in comparison to some of FIFA’s past actions against Mexico for not stopping its fans’ homophobic behavior. The Mexican National Team has been forced to play some matches in an empty stadium

There could be more fines and punishments on the way, as Mexico fans were so dead-set on chanting a gay slur at the US Men’s National Team that they caused their CONCACAF match last summer to be suspended and then abandoned.

This go-round in the court, Mexico is apparently alleging they shouldn’t be held responsible for their fans’ behaviors, or that the punishment is too severe.

Yet FIFA has for years held countries responsible — via fines, empty stadiums and other punishments — for the discriminatory behavior of their fans. In recent years, Russia has been fined for its fans’ racist chants, and Hungary has been fined and forced to play in an empty stadium for its fans’ racism.

As we at Outsports have said for years, the Mexico fans will not stop this homophobic “puto” chant until Mexico loses points for the World Cup, or they’re banned all together for one cycle.

Instead, Mexico has been rewarded with hosting the 2026 FIFA World Cup, along with the United States and Canada. The chant will be heard loudly at Mexico’s games. Maybe not all of them, as the fans are capable of controlling themselves when they choose to.

Yet FIFA is inviting Mexico fans to chant the slur