Gay pro bowler Scott Norton on marriage, Prop 8 and "the kiss" (via Outsports com)

Scott Norton was not just the first openly gay professional bowler on the PBA Tour, but he was also the first American pro athlete to marry his partner. Yet, their marriage isn't legally recognized in California, where they live.

With the fate of Proposition 8 and same-sex marriage in the Golden State having in the balance of the Supreme Court, we visited Norton and his partner, Craig Woodward, at their home in southern California. They talked about how they met, shared photos from their wedding, remembered their special wedding day in Laguna Beach, and looked back on "the kiss" that Norton said got ignored until Outsports picked up on it. They also shared what the overturning of Prop 8 would mean to them.

In addition, we got to see another glimpse into a loving couple that's just like every other married couple out there. Sure, Norton often goes on the road with the PBA Tour, but Woodward is never far behind (when Norton is in the finals, of course). As Norton says in the video, "If that's not a marriage, I really don't know what is."