As if this wasn’t already the gayest World Series ever, a rainbow just appeared over Boston and Fenway Park to usher in Game 1 of the fall classic.

Yes, that’s right, God himself teamed up with Mother Nature Tuesday evening to time a perfectly placed rain shower in Boston to welcome the entire LGBTQ community to the game.

Both the Boston Red Sox and Los Angeles Dodgers have done incredible jobs of their own welcoming the LGBTQ community to Fenway and Dodger Stadium. The Dodgers continue to set the bar for the rest of Major League Baseball when it comes to running a Pride Night. The Red Sox just last week committed $200,000 to Fenway Health, a local LGBTQ health center.

Plus both teams have openly gay executives in the Dodgers’ Erik Braverman and the Red Sox’s David Baggs.

We’ve been told for years that issues pertaining to the LGBTQ community, and efforts like Pride Nights, simply detract from the meaning of sports and the focus on winning baseball games that fans of all teams hold so dear.

Now God himself has sent a message to all baseball fans that he gives the participation of both of these teams and their inclusion initiatives the big thumbs up.