Six gay pro basketball players who have been out while playing.

When John Amaechi came out publicly in 2007, he was ahead of his time, sharing that he is gay and a former pro basketball player.

Six years later, Jason Collins followed suit while still competing in the NBA — Amaechi had come out after playing for several NBA teams.

Since Collins showed the world you could be a gay man in professional basketball, there has been a trickle of gay athletes to follow, most recently former NBA player and current Australian pro basketball player Isaac Humphries.

Here are the gay men who have blazed a trail on basketball courts around the world.

Jason Collins, USA
The man who started it all, Collins came out publicly on the cover of Sports Illustrated in 2013.

Derrick Gordon, Cyprus & Germany
Gordon came out publicly while competing in college for the University of Massachusetts. After a few years away from basketball he was signed to play in Cyprus and then Germany.

Uri Kokia, Israel
Kokia broke huge barriers in Israel when he came out publicly in 2017.

Marco Lehmann, Switzerland
Lehmann plays basketball professionally in Switzerland, and he represents the country on the international stage playing 3×3.

Daniel Arcos, Chile
Arcos posted a three-page letter on social media coming out to the world while he was playing for CD Castro.

Isaac Humphries, Australia
Humphries came out while competing for Melbourne in Australia’s National Basketball League. He played for the Kentucky Wildcats in college and briefly for the Atlanta Hawks in the NBA.

If we missed anyone, please do let us know in the comments.