Johnny Weir is best known for his over-the-top flamboyance on and off the ice. Yet there’s a big NFL fan under those sequins and fancy hats that is as hardcore as the most fanatic Boo Birds.

While Weir spends most of his time on social media being fabulous, he also doesn’t shy away from cheering on “his” Philadelphia Eagles whenever possible.

It’s easy to place an athlete or personality like Weir in a particular box, and that box doesn’t include the big, rough-and-tumble sport of football. So it’s great to see Weir continue to keep people on their heels with his love for the Eagles and the NFL, even if that does sometimes translate into a strange outfit for the Super Bowl.

Weir has one of the key marks of a great totally crazy fan: He refers to the team as “mine” or “us.,” as evidenced in this tweet about his beloved quarterback:

He knows the “Fly Eagles Fly” team song and rallying cry, and he utilizes the hashtag regularly:

He hates the ‘boys of Dallas like every good Eagles fan:

To be clear, Weir does have a second favorite NFL team, and the two of them matched up in the Super Bowl earlier this year:

But he just wants to make it perfectly clear… when the two match up he’s all Eagles and Carson Wentz:

Joe In Philly would be proud.