Eric Radford, the three-time Olympic medalist figure skater, is embarking on a new career that pursues another of his life’s passions: music.
Radford has released a new single, written by him and performed on the piano, called “Storm.” He had written the piece for the Thank you, Canada Tour — He performed the piece on the piano as Patrick Chan skated to it. Chan and Radford helped Canada win the team event at the 2018 Winter Olympics.
For Radford, music and the piano have been constants in his life for years.
“I continued it as I was moving around the country and wherever I was, I was always trying to take piano lessons,” Radford said of his youth playing piano as a figure skating wunderkind. “One of the main reasons I stuck with it is it provided a great balance with skating. If I was having a bad day at the rink or at school I’d come home and my piano was a sanctuary. I could sit down and the world would melt away.”
In case you missed it, Radford and his skating partner Meagan Duhamel won a gold medal and a bronze medal in the 2018 Winter Olympics. Those medals, added to his silver medal in 2014, gave him the Olympic-medal trifecta for his competition career, a pretty incredible feat.
Radford is still skating professionally. In the coming months he and Duhamel will perform in Dallas, Italy and a Canadian tour of Stars On Ice.
“Music is my other passion,” Radford said. “I’m at the very beginning of a whole new part of my life. I feel so lucky that I have the platform of my skating to launch this part of my life. I’m looking forward to having more time to write more and more and get into the studio and release it all and see what happens.”
Radford revealed that Skate Canada commissioned him to write and perform a piece for the Grand Prix Final, which was held in British Columbia over the weekend. That piece is not yet available online.
You can order Radford’s “Storm” for just 99 cents on itunes, or you can find him on Spotify.