For LGBT sports, 2013 will be remembered as the year of the out athlete. Huge milestones were broken this year, most notably with the coming out of NBA player Jason Collins.

But there were many others, from high school to the pros; We know of at least 77 comings out in sports this year, including coaches and people in the sports media. If you would like to increase that number before the end of the year — or start 2014 by coming out publicly — drop us a line at [email protected]. You can also reach out to GO! Athletes, the world's largest network of LGBT athletes.

These people all came out publicly in 2013, though many were out in their private lives before that (we had been working with Gendreau for four years before the story ran). If we missed a story about someone who came out — particularly overseas, where we may not be privy due to language barriers — please let us know and we'll add to the list!
